Johnny Mercer’s wife has called the police to deal with former soldiers who were protesting against her husband, the veterans minister.

Mr Mercer was campaigning in his constituency on Wednesday with his wife, Felicity, when protesters arrived, accusing the Cabinet minister of ignoring their so-called Gulf War Syndrome.

On the eve of the election, the group – calling themselves Justice 4 Veterans – sought out Mr Mercer on a main road in his constituency Plymouth Moor View. The said he had “blanked” their campaign for compensation for the chronic fatigue illness they claim was caused by chemicals used in the Gulf War.

In a video posted online, Mrs Mercer was seen calling the police, asking for help. 

She told the call handler: “I’m standing on Derriford roundabout, and I’ve got some people with banners saying ‘Johnny Judas Mercer’ and ‘Johnny Mercer out’. I’d like some police sent down please.”

There is no suggestion that the protesters in Plymouth had been threatening Mr Mercer.

The Tory candidate, a former captain in the Army who served three tours in Afghanistan, has been praised for introducing laws to protect veterans from prosecution overseas and in Northern Ireland, and for campaigns to end homelessness for former servicemen and women.

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In another video, Mr Mercer said to one of the protesters: “I just think this is really unnecessary. Has anyone ever done more for veterans than me?” The veteran replied: “You started off well, but took a turn.”

Mrs Mercer, who is a staunch defender of her husband online, told the demonstrators: “[Johnny] hasn’t done anything wrong.” One replied: “He has blanked us for four years.”

Mrs Mercer answered: “It’s not his responsibility, he cannot get Gulf War Syndrome … diagnosed for you. He’s not a medical doctor.”

In a further clip, Mr Mercer offered to help the group to make sure their legal action against the Ministry of Defence is not time-barred.

Mr Mercer said: “I have nothing against you. But you can’t come here and do this the day before the election. 

“Look how upset my wife looks, right? Look how hard she’s worked for this. You guys aren’t even from Plymouth.”

A spokesman for Devon and Cornwall Police said: “Police were called at 9.15am today, July 3, in connection with a general election protest taking place at Derriford roundabout, Plymouth. 

“The local authority also attended. The group dispersed at 10.30am. No criminal offences were recorded.”

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