Sharon Osbourne has revealed her husband Ozzy Osbourne is delaying the family’s return to TV screens.

The former Black Sabbath singer, 75, his wife and their children Kelly and Jack were previously the subjects of the hit MTV reality series The Osbournes, which ran between 2002 and 2005.

A massive success, the series was cited as the most-viewed series ever on MTV.

However, nearly 20 years after it ended, the BBC is now working on its own show about the famous family, but is facing roadblocks.

The national broadcaster announced the series Home to Roost in 2022, which is meant to follow the couple as they relocate home to the United Kingdom after decades living in Los Angeles.

The 10-part series is due to have 30-minute episodes following Ozzy and Sharon’s ‘journey back to Britain, alongside Kelly and Jack’s efforts to support them, as they attempt to re-start their lives in rural Buckinghamshire’.

But two years after the series was initially announced, Sharon has said Ozzy wants to stay in the United States a bit longer, despite her best efforts.

‘I wanted to reverse it; to spend more time in England and come here (to LA) and visit, like on birthdays, holidays and stuff like that. And I have been trying to get Ozzy to get out of the house and come to England. I am still trying,’ Sharon said during an interview on the Howie Mandel Does Stuff podcast.

When the America’s Got Talent judge asked Sharon whether her husband didn’t want to leave the house, she replied: ‘He does, yeah. But not a lot. Not a lot. He is having a little bit of a tough time. Getting old and not being well sucks.’

A BBC crew has been filming the family since January 2023 and while The Mirror has reported executives have said they will finally head back to the UK later this year, a source close to Ozzy said he had other intentions.

‘Ozzy wants to be able to attend the Ohio ceremony for his Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame solo career induction in October. He is building up his stamina, strength and balance to get out on the stage,’ they claimed.

‘That is his big project currently and involves working in LA with his band and physios.

‘Obviously, given how personal and ­challenging it is to Ozzy, there are some aspects of his rehab that the cameras are blocked from.’

The source added that Ozzy has been ‘quite clear he loves being in LA close to his grandkids and music pals’ and was ‘unsure’ about returning to England, which was proving to be ‘a massive stumbling block for the TV series’.

It comes after Ozzy appeared to get cold feet about the move, previously saying ‘if I had my way, I’d stay in America’, however his comments followed a statement that he ‘didn’t want to die in crazy America’ after expressing concerns over gun violence in the country.

Ozzy and Sharon have five grandkids together in Los Angeles: son Jack, 38, has four girls and daughter Kelly, 39, has a baby son.

The musician was also diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease five years ago and has since struggled with his mobility and chronic pain.

Since a fall in 2019, he has undergone four operations on his back and has been pictured using a wheelchair and walkers.

Last year Ozzy said the string of operations in recent years had ‘knocked me about’ and he would only endure one more, also sharing he believed he had about a decade left to live. has contacted BBC and representatives for Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne for comment.

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