PLANS for a 50-seater restaurant alongside a reopened and revamped marine activities centre have been hailed as brilliant news for Southend

Under proposals submitted to Southend Council, the Southend Marine Activities Centre would reopen and a new restaurant including inside and outside seating created. 

The centre closed in 2016 because it was no longer financially viable to run, and applicant Mehmet Hassan is confident adding a restaurant alongside water sports will help make it a success. 

As well as the water sports and restaurant, plans are also proposing to include new indoor activity rooms, used for games and electronic/VR games.

CGI - Plans for Marine Activity Centre (Image: StoneMe)

Matt Dent, Labour Southend councillor responsible for business, culture, and tourism, said: “It is absolutely brilliant news. I am delighted to hear this. This has been an underused site and resource for a long time now, and something to come in there to make use of the site, bring back that offer for local families, is just absolutely fantastic.

“Adding the restaurant into the business makes complete sense, as you will have the income coming in, which makes the whole thing viable again, alongside the water sports.

“And it is far better used than continuing to sit empty. I really wish them the best success with this.”

The once-popular centre provided training in sailing, windsurfing, jet skiing, kayaking, power-boating and other water sports.

The plans state: “Having looked at the business model to make this a viable business, a food operation for all the family is also included that can work along side the facility and supplement income to make the business viable for investment.

“There will also be a 50 seater restaurant with associated outdoor decked seating area. All of this will be within the existing building envelope and site area apart from a small extension, beach side, for the kitchen to the restaurant and an external cycle store to the western end of the building.”

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