A BBC presenter has been accused of "demonising" Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) benefits claimants right before the general election. Martin Geissler, correspondent for BBC Scotland, labelled benefits as “handouts” during this weekend's Sunday Show.

John Swinney hit back after a BBC host described benefit payments as 'handouts'. A Twitter/X user wrote: "Big kudos to @JohnSwinney for calling it out. Benefits are not ‘handouts’, they’re an investment in people and in lifting them out of poverty. Frankly, this talk is a stain on our politics and has driven many of the policies that push people into poverty."

"Martin's an old Neoliberal-Tory. The TV Broadcasters are full of RW Media. There are NO Left Presenters or Journalists on TV now, unless as a solo guest," a second said. A third typed: "Hard to believe that is the BBC using terminology of the right...."

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"V telling that Martin Geissler automatically uses right-wing rhetoric to describe @theSNP social safety net. @JohnSwinney right to challenge it. All the evidence of the past 14 years is that there is no economic growth with austerity & Labour isn’t planning to change that," another wrote.

Another fumed: "What a take from BBC Scotland Child poverty is disgracefully high in the UK. Scot Gov doing its best to tackle the issue with the Scottish Child Payment which is helping thousands of children and child poverty in Scotland is the lowest in UK. BBC Scotland call it “handouts”!"

"Nothing to see here except a BBC presenter calling welfare payments not available anywhere else on S***hole Island except Scotland that helps kids not to starve “handouts”," said another. And another said: "The framing of this question is f***ing disgusting. The UK is the 6th or 7th richest economy in earth and it has an obscene level of children living in poverty.

" Trying to address this isn't a f***ing handout."

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