As the first Parliament session after the recent general elections got underway, it reflected a sea change in power dynamics, with the BJP short of a majority and dependent on its NDA allies, and the Opposition INDIA alliance confident and purposeful, fuelled by a rise in numbers. A rare contest for the Speaker's post also took place, which signalled stormy days in Parliament ahead, while Rahul Gandhi took on his first statutory role as the Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha. The Urdu dailies captured these developments, and sought to decipher them.


Referring to Rahul taking over as LoP in the 18th Lok Sabha and INDIA allies hailing the move, the Hyderabad-based Siasat, in its editorial on June 27, notes that the senior Congress leader had taken up a constitutional or statutory responsibility for the first time, despite now being into his fifth term in the Lok Sabha. “In the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, Rahul was seen as the prime ministerial face from the Congress in the event of the INDIA victory,” the editorial states, noting that under the leadership of Rahul and his sister Priyanka Gandhi, the Congress tally nearly doubled and "it is against this backdrop" that Rahul has taken charge as the LoP.

Rahul has thus become the third member of the Gandhi family to become the LoP, following in the footsteps of his father, the late Rajiv Gandhi, and his mother Sonia Gandhi, the edit notes. “In his crucial new role as the LoP, it can be expected that the Opposition would strongly stand up to the Modi government in a more organised and effective manner.”

The daily also writes that Rahul has been one of the key drivers of national politics. “While he has been the fulcrum of Congress politics and the party's most popular leader, he also remains the prime target of the BJP. There have been sustained campaigns undertaken by various quarters to distort his image. Whenever Rahul has levelled allegations against the Modi government on various public issues, rather than responding to him, the dispensation has mounted personal attacks on him along with friendly TV channels in a bid to divert attention from them,” it says. However, the equations would change now with Rahul taking his place on the first row of the Opposition benches as the LoP. “It would not be possible for the BJP leaders or its ministers or government functionaries to shy away from Rahul's questions now – they will be forced to come up with a serious and considered response, instead of just brushing them aside.”

The editorial further adds that Rahul has emerged as a key leader after facing many odds, especially a protracted no-holds-barred personal campaign against him. “He has been an intrepid leader who has shown character and equanimity. Many have high hopes that as the LoP, he will pro-actively discharge his crucial responsibility with dedication.”


Highlighting the row over alleged irregularities and paper leaks in the NEET-UG examination and the now-cancelled UGC-NET exam, Siasat, in its June 21 leader titled 'Kaun sa imtihaan mehfooz hai (Which exam is secure)?', states that it is now evident that the NEET-UG exam had seen a leak, in which accused had handed over the paper to some students the previous night. “Such apprehensions had been expressed from the day the NEET-UG results had been declared, but various government quarters including National Testing Agency (NTA) had been rejecting it. But, now the scam has been exposed with some accused also being arrested. But it could be the tip of the iceberg. No one knows its magnitude or how much money the scam involves,” the editorial says. ”This has violated the rights of so many genuine students who have put in months of hard work to prepare for this medical entrance test.”

The daily says the Central government and NTA do not seem to be cognisant of the gravity of the crisis, though the NET-UG exam was scrapped after it came under the paper leak cloud. “The fact remains that these exams are conducted by the Centre. So, if the Centre cannot ensure fair and secure exams effectively, there would always be suspicion over the integrity and fairness of many other exams conducted by other entities. This point must be considered seriously by various stakeholders,” it says. There have been many instances of paper leaks in various entrance and recruitment exams conducted by several states. “Some of them also get cancelled, causing another spell of uncertainty and worry among the candidates. Bihar and Uttar Pradesh have often seen such cases. And then, there has been the Vyapam scam in Madhya Pradesh. The recruitment exams for government posts have been tainted. This entire affair betrays a disturbing state of the exam administration system, which should lead to our collective introspection,” the edit says. “What kind of architects of the country’s future could we expect from those who would clear such exams through fraud? What kind of doctors and civil servants would come out of this murky system?”

The daily says the Centre must get its act together and cleanse these exams of all irregularities. “The NTA should be replaced by a new body. The accountability must be fixed and errant officials taken to task. The guilty must be brought to book,” it says, adding that the government must leave no stone unturned to restore the shaken confidence of students and youths in the exam regime.

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