LIVE – Updated at 08:08

Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer were grilled by The Sun readers in a fiery live streamed Q&A hosted by Harry Cole on Monday night.

The Prime Minister batted questions on immigration, housing and NHS wait times while defending his handling of the betting scandal that has rocked the Conservative party’s election campaign.

The Labour leader was asked how he could be trusted after he was “happy to lie to us” about Jeremy Corbyn, and answered questions on education, JK Rowling and Brexit.

Earlier on Monday the Prime Minister laid out his plan to boost London as the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats suffered an election blow with a poll showing Labour opening up a 33-point lead in the capital.

With 10 days to go before the election, the Savanta survey for the Mile End Institute at Queen Mary University of London finds 55 per cent of Londoners planning to vote Labour, 22 per cent Tory, ten per cent for the Liberal Democrats, eight per cent for Reform UK, and five per cent for the Greens.

More than a quarter (29 per cent) of Londoners who voted for the Liberal Democrats in 2019 said they would now vote Labour.

It comes as Mr Sunak set out his vision to ease the housing crisis, revive the ailing hospitality sector and get more civil servants back into Whitehall.

In an exclusive interview with the Standard, the Prime Minister vowed to take the axe to “burdens, regulations and red tape” strangling restaurants, bars, pubs and theatres particularly in London.

Follow latest updates below...

Labour open huge lead in London, new poll says

Monday 24 June 2024 08:40 , Jacob Phillips

Labour has a 33-point lead in London amid signs of an “anti-Conservative” mood which could make it harder for them to hold onto a string of marginal seats in next week’s election, according to a new poll.

The Savanta survey for the Mile End Institute at Queen Mary University of London found 55 per cent of Londoners planning to vote Labour, 22 per cent Tory, ten per cent for the Liberal Democrats, eight per cent for Reform UK, and five per cent for the Greens.

Liberal Democrat voters appear to be shifting to Labour in London as Sir Keir Starmer appears to creep closer to becoming Prime Minister.

Read more about the latest polls in London here.

Prime Minister sits down with the Evening Standard

Monday 24 June 2024 08:46 , Jacob Phillips

The Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has revealed how the Tories would get London’s economy thriving in a wide ranging interview with the Evening Standard.

Mr Sunak vowed to axe red tape that is strangling London’s restaurants, bars, pubs and theatres, explained how he would solve the capital’s housing crisis and called for more civil servants to return to Whitehall as the clock ticks towards the July 4 polling day.

Read more about what the Prime Minister had to say here.

'People are literally pulling their own teeth out' warns Wes Streeting

Monday 24 June 2024 08:57 , Jacob Phillips

Shadow health secretary Wes Streeting said "people are literally pulling their own teeth out" because it is so difficult to see an NHS dentist.

Mr Streeting said a Labour government would "deliver 700,000 urgent dentistry appointments to help stabilise the system".

The shadow health secretary told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "People are literally pulling their own teeth out or ending up in A&E departments in pretty bad shape."

He added that Labour would "get the British Dental Association in to start the process of long overdue contract reform".

"Because I think what will shock people, especially those who've either paid through the nose for private dentistry, or have been priced out altogether, is that last year there was a £400 million underspend in the NHS dentistry budget".

Trump 'learnt a lot from me' says Farage

Monday 24 June 2024 09:01 , Jacob Phillips

Nigel Farage has claimed former US president Donald Trump "learnt a lot" from studying his speeches before he ran for office.

Speaking to ITV's The Leader Interviews - Tonight programme, the Reform UK leader denied he thought he was Britain's version of Mr Trump, and said: "I think we're very different but I think we think the same on many things."

He added: "He's learned quite a lot from me, I think it goes both ways ... He was watching my speeches in the European Parliament for many years ... before he decided to run."

When asked if the former president had told him this, Mr Farage replied: "I know that to be true."

Mr Farage is close to and has repeatedly praised Mr Trump.

The interview will be aired on ITV on Monday night.

Tories claim they will make London a 'more affordable and liveable city'

Monday 24 June 2024 09:11 , Jacob Phillips

The Conservatives have claimed London will become a "more affordable and liveable city" under their manifesto pledges.

Business minister Greg Hands said the party has a "clear plan to improve" the capital for the "benefit of all Londoners", just weeks after Labour's Sadiq Khan secured a third term as mayor with a 275,00 majority over the Tory candidate.

The Conservatives' plan for London is based on several previously announced policies, including abolishing stamp duty for first-time buyers up to £425,000, ruling out pay-per-mile road tax schemes and reversing the mayor's ultra low emission zone (Ulez) expansion.

What to expect on the campaign trail on Monday?

Monday 24 June 2024 09:12 , Jacob Phillips

The Conservatives and Labour will continue to ramp up their campaigns with the General Election just 10 days away.

Rishi Sunak will launch the Scottish Conservatives’ manifesto as he tries, yet again, to get his election campaign back on track after another difficult weekend.

Meanwhile Shadow health secretary Wes Streeting will be on the campaign trail warning that people are resorting to pulling their own teeth out because of how difficult it is to see a dentist.

Sir Keir Starmer and Mr Sunak will then face questions from Sun readers in back-to-back interviews in London, which will be aired on the newspaper’s website from 5pm.

The Prime Minister will follow that up with a campaign event in London later on Monday evening.

Read more about what to expect on the campaign trail on Monday here.

Sir Ed Davey warns there are '10 days to save the NHS'

Monday 24 June 2024 09:18 , Jacob Phillips

The Lib Dems have pledged a £9 billion boost to health and social care as part of their General Election manifesto.

Lib Dem leader Sir Ed Davey said: "There are now 10 days left to save the NHS. This election is a chance to end the shocking scenes of people having to wait 12 hours or more in A&E, often in pain and in overcrowded waiting rooms.

"Years of chaos and neglect under this Conservative government have left the NHS on its knees. Patients are being catastrophically let down."

Starmer under pressure to clarify Labour's position on transgender rights

Monday 24 June 2024 09:34 , Jacob Phillips

Sir Keir Starmer is under pressure to clarify Labour’s position on transgender issues on Monday.

A Times splash has said that Labour will make it easier for people to legally transition by removing the need for them to prove they have lived as their preferred gender for two years.

Writing for the newspaper, Harry Potter author JK Rowling has accused Labour of "abandoning" women concerned about transgender rights.

Quizzed on the topic on Monday shadow health secretary Wes Streeting said he felt "pretty depressed" by the writer’s comments.

He added: "I think we can find a way through that both treats trans people with the dignity and respect that they deserve, and also treats women with the respect that they deserve, particularly protecting women's spaces, women's voices, and right to speak up.

"So, when women like JK Rowling do speak up, I think it's important we engage seriously with the arguments that she's making, with the concerns that she has.

"And also we listen to what trans people are saying about the everyday injustices and indignities that they're experiencing too, whether that's hate crime or poor provision in public services."

'We want sex and relationships to be taught in an age-appropriate way' says Streeting

Monday 24 June 2024 09:51 , Jacob Phillips

Shadow health secretary Wes Streeting has been quizzed on Labour’s position on transgender rights on LBC on Monday morning.

Mr Streeting was first grilled on reports that Labour could ditch guidelines banning children from being taught there are more than two genders.

In response he explained: “Ultimately, what we want to do is make sure that children are being taught about things like sex and relationships in an age-appropriate way to help them to live their lives in 21st century Britain.

But frankly, in terms of our order of priorities, we're more worried about the fact that we haven't got qualified maths teachers teaching maths, and qualified science teachers teaching science than we are about sort of wider social issues up for debate in our newspapers.”

Pressed on JK Rowling’s comments, Mr Streeting added that he “was really sad and disappointed to read what she said”.

After explaining that he had a lot of respect for the writer and her campaigning, Mr Streeting said: “I do feel like the Labour Party has been listening. I feel like we've been learning, reflecting, and our position is in a much better place than it was.”

He added: “I genuinely think we can find a way forward in which women's rights, voices, spaces are protected as they should be, and trans people in our country can live with dignity, and freedom and respect too.

Number of migrants crossing Channel hits record high

Monday 24 June 2024 10:01 , Jacob Phillips

The number of migrants arriving in the UK after crossing the Channel has hit a new record for the first six months of a calendar year.

Home Office figures show 257 people made the journey in four boats on Sunday, taking the provisional total for the year so far to 12,901.

The previous record for arrivals in the six months from January to June was 12,747 in 2022. In the first half of 2023, arrivals stood at 11,433.

Top Tory calls for suspensions over gambling scandal

Monday 24 June 2024 10:03 , Jacob Phillips

Senior Conservative Tobias Ellwood on Monday broke ranks with Rishi Sunak over a gambling scandal rocking the party, urging the PM to suspend candidates suspected of betting on the election timing.

The former defence minister said he had "no doubt" that the controversy will cost his party seats at next week’s election, as an investigation by the Gambling Commission reportedly widens to include many more Tory insiders than the four identified so far.

Elsewhere, Northern Ireland Secretary Chris Heaton-Harris insisted on LBC that the four were “innocent until proven guilty” as he backed the PM’s refusal to suspend them from the party until the investigation reports back, and accused Labour of "trying to influence" the Gambling Commission’s inquiry.Read the full story here.

JK Rowling comments 'sad and depressing', says Streeting

Monday 24 June 2024 10:25 , Jacob Phillips

JK Rowling’s comments on Labour's transgender rights stance are “disappointing”, the shadow health secretary said today.

Wes Streeting said he was left feeling “sad” after the Harry Potter author criticised his party for "abandoning" women.

Writing in the Times the former Labour Party donor said she would struggle to vote for Sir Keir Starmer because she had a "poor opinion" of his character.

Read the full story here.

Starmer takes questions from school children on campaign trail

Monday 24 June 2024 10:26 , Jacob Phillips

Sir Keir Starmer and shadow education secretary Bridget Phillipson have been taking questions from school children in Kettering, near Northampton.

They have been quizzed on what Labour has to offer for the local area, NHS dentists, the pros and cons of doing an apprenticeship, and how Sir Keir describes himself as a “box to box midfielder”.

He said: “You will all have teachers here who you will think ‘that’s made a real difference to my life’ and that’s why it is really important that we thank our teachers.

“It’s not just a thing we should do once in a while because good teachers make such a difference.”

Sir Keir also described how his parent’s Great Dane came with him when he was knighted at Buckingham Palace.

Quizzed on his favourite Taylor Swift song Sir Keir said “Change”.

'You see one rule for the Conservatives and another rule for others' - Ed Davey

Monday 24 June 2024 11:05 , Jacob Phillips

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey has called for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to do more to respond the the election betting row.

He told the PA news agency: "I do think the Conservative Party could do far more. It feels to me like, as has been so often the case during this Parliament, they seem to be in it for themselves, not for the public service.

"You see one rule for the Conservatives and another rule for others.

"And I think that's one of the reasons why we're seeing lifelong Conservatives across the country, people in the Blue Wall seats and in the West Country where only the Liberal Democrats can beat the Conservatives, a lot of them are coming to vote for our candidate."

Asked whether politicians should face restrictions in a similar way to footballers, who are banned from betting on competitions they are involved in, Sir Ed said: "I'd be happy to look at restrictions on politicians, of course, and I'd be happy for the Gambling Commission to put forward ideas."

Next government faces huge financial challenges, analysts warn

Monday 24 June 2024 11:06 , Josh Salisbury

A respected think tank has said huge decisions over the size and shape of the state will need to be taken by the next government.

Paul Johnson of the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) said taxes are at the "highest level ever" in the UK yet public services are struggling.

Mr Johnson said: "Despite the high tax levels, spending on many public services will - on current plans - likely need to be cut over the next five years unless taxes are raised further or government debt raises ever upwards."

On how such a situation has emerged, Mr Johnson said: "The answer is in large part a £50 billion increase in debt interest spending relative to forecasts and a pretty big growth in the welfare budget over the last few years.

“We've also got rising health spending, a defence budget which for the first time in decades is going to grow not shrink, and the reality of demographic change and the need to transition to net zero.

"Add in low growth and the after-effects of the pandemic and the energy price crisis and you've got a pretty toxic mix for the public finances.”

Starmer hits out at Farage over Putin negotiation suggestion

Monday 24 June 2024 11:15 , Josh Salisbury

Sir Keir Starmer said he "fundamentally" disagrees with Nigel Farage that it would be better to negotiate with Vladimir Putin.

Asked about the Reform UK leader's suggestion that peace talks should be held over Russia's war in Ukraine, the Labour leader told broadcasters: "I fundamentally disagree. Russia is the aggressor here."

He added that he had been "proud of the fact that we've had unity throughout our parliament" in support for Kyiv.

Prime Minister launches manifesto in Scotland

Monday 24 June 2024 11:21 , Jacob Phillips

Rishi Sunak said only the Scottish Conservatives have the "courage to stand up to the nationalists" as he launched the Scottish Tory manifesto.

The Prime Minister said: "It's only Douglas (Ross) and his team that have been prepared to properly stand up to the SNP, standing against both Nicola Sturgeon's gender recognition reforms and the dangerous hate crime act. It shows you that only the Scottish Conservatives have the courage to stand up to the nationalists."

He added: "If the SNP win the majority of seats at this election, they will treat that as a mandate to carry on campaigning for independence for another five years... A vote for the Scottish Conservatives is a vote to put this issue to bed, to move past these tired and stale arguments and to go forward united and together."

Starmer opposed to 'gender ideology' being taught in schools

Monday 24 June 2024 11:34 , Jacob Phillips

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has said he is opposed to "gender ideology" being taught in schools.

Asked if he would rip up the ban on teaching children and young people about "gender ideology" at school, he said: "No, I'm not in favour of ideology being taught in our schools on gender."

Asked about potential changes to sex education in schools, he said: "I think we need to complete the consultation process and make sure that there is guidance that is age appropriate. That is helpful for teachers and has at its heart the safeguarding of children."

Sunak: Labour would sell out to EU

Monday 24 June 2024 11:36 , Josh Salisbury

Rishi Sunak has accused Labour of a potential "sellout" to the European Union.

In his Edinburgh speech, the Prime Minister said: "It is only the Scottish Conservatives that will stand up for the North Sea's fishing industry, too.

"The EU are already making clear that the price of any deal that Labour wants is a sellout of our fishing industry, and who doubts that Keir Starmer would pay that.

"And while the SNP would surrender all of our new freedoms, it is only the Scottish Conservatives who will stand up for Scotland's farmers from the Borders to the North East. We will legislate for a UK-wide food security target.

“We will increase farming funding and ringfence it, and this will require the Scottish Government to report on how this money is being spent to support our farmers and boost our food security."

Farage comments 'play into Putin's hands' says Prime Minister

Monday 24 June 2024 11:50 , Jacob Phillips

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has again hit back at Nigel Farage’s comments about Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The Reform UK leader has defended his claim that the West provoked Russia’s invasion of the war torn country.

Speaking in Scotland, the Prime Minister said: "You all heard what Nigel Farage said about Ukraine.

"That plays into Putin's hands. That kind of appeasement is dangerous for Britain's security, the security of our allies that rely on us and will only embolden Putin."

Tories 'will act' if wrongdoing found in betting scandal

Monday 24 June 2024 12:19 , Jacob Phillips

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has said his party "will act" if the Conservatives' own parallel inquiry into the alleged betting scandal finds wrongdoing.

He said: "The Gambling Commission is independent of Government - it's independent of me.

"I don't have the details of their investigation, right? They don't report to me, I don't have the details, but what I can tell you is, in parallel we've been conducting our own internal inquiries and of course will act on any relevant findings or information from that and pass it on to the Gambling Commission."

When asked whether he had ever bet on politics whilst being an MP, the Prime Minister replied: "No."

Sunak says he is 'not aware' of others facing gambling probe

Monday 24 June 2024 12:21 , Josh Salisbury

Rishi Sunak said he was "not aware" of the Gambling Commission investigating any further Tory candidates over allegations of betting on the General Election.

"(The Gambling Commission) don't talk about the individuals that they are investigating," the Prime Minister told journalists in a huddle in Edinburgh.

"What I can tell you is I am not aware of any other candidate that they are looking at."

Who will be MP in each area of London?

Monday 24 June 2024 12:33 , Jacob Phillips

Political parties are dramatically ramping up their campaigning across London with 10 days to go to polling day on July 4.

They are particularly focusing on a series of battleground seats which could switch hands.

The Standard has compiled this interactive map to highlight the battleground seats and the likely outcome in other constituencies as well.

Read more about the battles taking place across London in the interactive map below.

Labour accuses PM of weakness over not suspending gambling probe candidates

Monday 24 June 2024 12:47 , Josh Salisbury

Rishi Sunak has shown an "astonishing lack of leadership" by failing to suspend Conservatives facing investigation into betting on the date of the General Election, shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves has insisted.

Ms Reeves said Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer had "been really clear" that "if this had been Labour candidates, their feet would not have touched the ground".

Speaking during a visit to a windfarm in East Renfrewshire, the shadow chancellor said: "When wrong doing takes place in Labour, candidates are suspended. That is not an easy thing to do but it is the right thing to do."

She stated: "It is an astonishing lack of leadership from Rishi Sunak that these candidates are still in place, they have still got the Conservative rosette.

"Rishi Sunak is now so weak he is not even able to suspend people who are accused of profiteering from inside information. It is frankly one rule for Conservative candidates and staffers and another rule for everybody else."

'We don't know whether we are voting for tax rises or spending cuts' says IFS

Monday 24 June 2024 13:00 , Jacob Phillips

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has rubbished Labour and the Conservative’s manifestos explaining that neither party is showing their cards about what they will do going forward.

IFS director Paul Johnson has said Britons will be going to vote in a “knowledge vacuum”.

He told Sky News that “we are not going to know whether we are voting for tax rises or spending cuts” at the ballot box on July 4. Mr Johnson said Labour and the Tories are committing “tiny amounts” of money, such as one or two billion pounds out of a £200 billion budget, towards key areas such as the NHS.

He said: “They are not telling us what their priorities are between different areas of spending... and they are not telling us how they will cut spending or increase taxes if growth went in the wrong direction.”

Quizzed on which party’s manifesto is most realistic Mr Johnson added: “Neither side actually tells us a great deal.”

Sunak insists manifesto is still 'fully costed'

Monday 24 June 2024 13:02 , Jacob Phillips

Rishi Sunak has responded to the Institute for Fiscal Studies' (IFS) analysis of the major parties' manifestos.

Paul Johnson, IFS director, said earlier on Monday that both the Conservative and Labour manifestos "essentially ignore" some of the "big challenges" in the economy.

Facing questions about the analysis, the Prime Minister said: "No, I don't agree with that. We have a fully costed manifesto which can deliver tax cuts for people at every stage in their lives and that is largely funded by making sure that we can find some savings in the growth of the welfare budget, because it's been growing at unsustainable levels since the pandemic.

"We've set out a very clear plan to reform that, to support people into work, and in fact, the IFS acknowledge that last time around they said that that wasn't possible, that it was actually delivered, and that's something that the IFS themselves have said.

"Labour in contrast don't think you can save a single penny from the welfare bill, which is already where we're spending more than on transport, schools, law enforcement. I don't think that's right. I want to deliver tax cuts for people and constraining the increase in the welfare budget is the right way to do that to support people in work."

Sunak and Starmer send Princess Anne well-wishes

Monday 24 June 2024 13:49 , Josh Salisbury

Both Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer have sent their well-wishes to the Princess Royal after she suffered minor injuries and concussion in an incident yesterday.

when it is believed she was kicked by a horse on her Gatcombe Park estate.

Anne, an Olympic-medal winning horsewoman, was walking on her Gloucestershire estate on Sunday evening when she is thought to have been kicked by a horse.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: "Everyone in the country is immensely fond of Her Royal Highness.

"We're all sending her our best wishes for a swift recovery."

Labour’s Sir Keir Starmer added: “Wishing Her Royal Highness a speedy recovery and sending my best wishes on behalf of all of us at the Labour Party."

Reeves warns there will be ‘difficult decisions’ if Labour wins election

Monday 24 June 2024 14:18 , Jacob Phillips

Labour shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves has said that “difficult decisions” will need to be made if her party forms the next government, as she accused the Tories of having left the UK’s finances in an “absolute mess”.

Ms Reeves added that it would “take time to turn around that damage” after 14 years of Conservative rule.

But, speaking as she campaigned in Scotland, the shadow chancellor stressed: “I don’t want to be one of those politicians that makes promises on a wing and a prayer.”Read the full story here.

Hunt deletes photo of wife's postal ballot amid rule-breaking claims

Monday 24 June 2024 14:38 , Jacob Phillips

Jeremy Hunt shared a photo of his wife's postal ballot on social media before deleting it amid claims of potential rule-breaking.

The Chancellor on Sunday posted a picture on X, formerly twitter, of his wife with a pen hovering over the box next to his name in the Godalming and Ash constituency he is contesting.

The caption read: "Marriage safe ... got the wife's vote."

But he later removed the post as social media users flagged guidance from the Electoral Commission about sharing information about how somebody votes.

Labour offer to meet JK Rowling following concerns about women-only spaces

Monday 24 June 2024 15:03 , Jacob Phillips

Rachel Reeves has said Labour would meet Harry Potter author JK Rowling to provide her with "assurances" over the protection of women-only spaces.

The shadow chancellor made the offer after Rowling wrote in the Times that Labour had "abandoned" her and others campaigning for women's rights.

The author, a former member of the Labour Party who has made donations to them in the past, said she would "struggle to support them" in next week's General Election.

Earlier on Monday shadow health secretary Wes Streeting said he was left “sad and disappointed” after Rowling’s attacks on Labour’s transgender rights stance.

Tories are a 'shower of shit' says Conservative candidate James Cracknell

Monday 24 June 2024 15:29 , Jacob Phillips

James Cracknell, who is standing to be a Conservative MP, has called his own party a “shower of shit” in one of his campaign videos.

In a video he posted on Facebook the former Olympic rower said: “Two weeks out from the Olympics, if we are competing against the Conservative party my teammates and I would be saying they are a shower of shit.

“And if one of my teammates got caught for cheating they’d be dead to me. That abuse of trust is unforgivable.”

Mr Cracknell is the Conservative candidate for Colchester, a key Labour target.

“If any party deserves to have the Union Jack on its literature it’s the Conservative Party,” he pressed on. “If any candidate should have it on their shoulders it’s me, because I’ve been there.”

SNP hit out at Labour and Tories over EU membership

Monday 24 June 2024 16:18 , Josh Salisbury

he SNP has blasted the Tories and Labour for refusing to consider rejoining the European Union.

John Swinney, the Scottish First Minister, used a campaign speech in Aberdeen to hit out at the "truly disastrous outcome" the Brexit referendum has had on Scotland.

He highlighted the impact that the ending of the freedom of movement had had on businesses and the economy, with Mr Swinney saying: "You can't be a party of Brexit and a party of growth."

Speaking at Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, Mr Swinney insisted: "As First Minister, I cannot sit back and accept the damage of Brexit that Labour will continue to impose.

"That will hurt too many people, it will hurt public services and it will hurt businesses.”

Tory voting Londoners more likely to back party if Boris Johnson campaigns

Monday 24 June 2024 17:04 , Miriam Burrell

A third of 2019 Tory voters in London say they would be more likely to back the party again if Boris Johnson campaigns for it, a poll released on Monday revealed.

Some 14 per cent of Londoners supporting Labour at the general election also said the former Prime Minster campaigning would increase their chances of voting Conservative on July 4, according to the Savanta survey for the Mile End Institute at Queen Mary University.

Overall almost two in 10 Londoners (18 per cent) said they would be more likely to vote for the Conservatives if Mr Johnson was involved in the push.

Read more here.

Starmer and Sunak face off in live Q&A

Monday 24 June 2024 17:28 , Miriam Burrell

In just a few minutes Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer will take part in a live Q&A with The Sun readers.

Rishi Sunak grilled on betting scandal

Monday 24 June 2024 17:38 , Miriam Burrell

The Prime Minister is being asked about the general election betting scandal that has rocked the Conservative party.

Rishi Sunak said the Tories have been conducting internal inquiries and anyone who has broken rules should be “booted out of the Conservative Party”.

He said he “will not hesitate to act” and anyone who has broken rules “should face the full consequences of the law”.

He reiterated that he was “incredible angry” when he learnt about the allegations.

We have made progress in education, PM says

Monday 24 June 2024 17:42 , Miriam Burrell

Rishi Sunak said “of course it has been difficult the last few years” but disagreed with suggestions that the Conservative party has not made progress in its 14 years in power.

“I don’t think it’s right to say we haven’t make progress in 14 years, I simpy don’t believe that,” the Prime Minister said.

He pointed to education in schools, saying British children are the “best readers” in the Western world due to Tory reforms.

Sunak claims Labour will 'release asylum seekers onto the streets'

Monday 24 June 2024 17:45 , Miriam Burrell

Rishi Sunak defended his plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda, saying 15 other European countries agreed “it’s the right one”.

He said he had “not heard any other alternative plan” to combat rising migration in the UK, and claimed that Labour plans to “release everyone we’ve detained and leave them on the streets”.

Rishi Sunak says number of visas issued down 30%

Monday 24 June 2024 17:47 , Miriam Burrell

Rishi Sunak said the number of visas being issued by the Home Office has gone down by 30 per cent this year under Tory reforms.

He said an independent forecast shows net migration is set to halve in the next 12 months.

PM bats questions on NHS wait times

Monday 24 June 2024 17:53 , Miriam Burrell

Rishi Sunak said the Government “has not made as much progress on [NHS] waiting lists as I would have liked”.

He blamed the affects of the Covid-19 pandemic, saying six million referrals didn’t happen during that time.

'I want you to own your own home,' Sunak tells young people

Monday 24 June 2024 17:56 , Miriam Burrell

On housing, Rishi Sunak has pledged to reintroduce a new form of the help-to-buy scheme and abolish stamp duty for first home buyers - two measures that he claims will help young people save “tens of thousands of pounds”.

'The last few years have been particularly frustrating'

Monday 24 June 2024 18:04 , Miriam Burrell

“I’m not going to pretend we got everything right,” an animated Rishi Sunak has said.

“I know the last few years have been particualry frustrating.

“But I’m not going to sit here and say the last 14 years hasn’t made the country a better place.”

The Prime Minister said the UK has the third highest growth rate among the biggest economies of the world.

He said: “If you want taxes cut... and action on legal migration and stopping the boats... I’m the only person who is going to deliver that for you.”

A recap: PM suggests Tories could get the boot over betting scandal

Monday 24 June 2024 18:07 , Miriam Burrell

Earlier in the Q&A Rishi Sunak repeated his claim that he is “incredibly angry” when challenged over the election betting scandal.

The Prime Minister said: “I was incredibly angry, incredibly angry when I learned about the allegations, as everybody would be when they would hear about something like that.”

He added: “I’m incredibly angry about this and the right thing to do, and again you talked about that letter, to do things properly, is to get to the bottom of what happened, to investigate things thoroughly.

“Now we have to do that separately to the Gambling Commission, who don’t report to me. I don’t have the details of their investigation. We have to do that sensitively and carefully so that we don’t compromise the integrity of a police and other investigations.

“But let me be clear, if we come across findings or information that warrants it, we will not hesitate to act, I have been crystal clear that I will hold people to account, whoever they are.”

Keir Starmer up next

Monday 24 June 2024 18:09 , Miriam Burrell

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is now in the hot seat opposite Harry Cole.

Starmer praises Boris Johnson over support for Ukraine

Monday 24 June 2024 18:12 , Miriam Burrell

On the war in Ukraine, Keir Starmer said Boris Johnson “took a strong position” against Russia during his time as prime minister.

“Even where there might be small disagreements, it’s in the national interest that we speak with one voice on something as important as Ukraine,” he added.

'I didn't vote for Jeremy Corbyn'

Monday 24 June 2024 18:19 , Miriam Burrell

Keir Starmer has continued to distance himself from Jeremy Corbyn.

He reiterated that he did not vote for him to become leader of the party but he supported other candidates.

The Labour leader says he has since "picked up" the party and changed it, including expelling Corbyn.

Labour not going to reopen Brexit debate, Starmer vows

Monday 24 June 2024 18:22 , Miriam Burrell

Keir Starmer says the UK “is not going back” to the Brexit debate under Labour and Britain’s decision to leave the European Union will not be revisited if the party wins the election on July 4.

Starmer vows to crack down on gangs with border security command

Monday 24 June 2024 18:28 , Miriam Burrell

Keir Starmer has vowed to crack down on people smuggling gangs with a border security command with counter terrorism powers.

“I know how it’s done and I think it can be done again,” the Labour leader said.

He claimed the number of people being deported from the UK has dropped 44% under the current Government.

He said if Labour came into power, he would put staff back in the returns unit and return people “back to countries where they came from”.

He added that Rishi Sunak’s Rwanda plan was an “expensive gimmick”.

The UK doesn't have enough maths teachers, Starmer says

Monday 24 June 2024 18:36 , Miriam Burrell

The Labour leader said he would get rid of tax breaks at private schools and use that to help fund more teachers into state schools.

The Labour Party manifesto pledges to end private schools' VAT exemption and business rate relief.

Keir Starmer said there aren’t enough teachers in core subjects such as maths in state schools, and this affects student exam performance.

Keir Starmer 'welcomes debate' with JK Rowling

Monday 24 June 2024 18:42 , Miriam Burrell

Asked about respecting women spaces, Keir Starmer said they “must be protected and that’s very important”.

“We musn’t go down the route of self identification.

“My rule in life is to treat everybody with respect and dignity but we most protect those places.”Asked on JK Rowling’s comments on the issue, Mr Starmer said he “respects what she says” and “welcomes that debate”.

A recap: What did Keir Starmer say on Jeremy Corbyn?

Monday 24 June 2024 18:43 , Miriam Burrell

An audience member asked how the public could trust Sir Keir Starmer when he was “happy to lie to us” about Jeremy Corbyn.

The audience member said that when Sir Keir backed Mr Corbyn in 2019 and now justified it by saying he did not believe the then-Labour leader would win that election, “that means you’re happy to lie to us – how do we know you’re not lying now?”

Sir Keir listed his track record of transforming the Northern Ireland police service and the Crown Prosecution Service in response.

“What I’m asking for now is the opportunity to pick the country up, which is as broken as my party was in 2019, and change it for the better,” the Labour leader said.

Backlog of asylum seekers could double, Starmer says

Monday 24 June 2024 19:02 , Miriam Burrell

Sir Keir Starmer said that the backlog of asylum claims would double by the end of the year to 100,000 if the Conservatives are re-elected.

“There are 50,000 people not being processed, if we carry on with Rishi Sunak as prime minister it will get to 100k by the end of the year,” the Labour leader said.

He said it was “outrageous” to pay hotel bills to accommodate those people not being processed.

'Of course I'd meet with JK Rowling'

Monday 24 June 2024 19:20 , Miriam Burrell

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said he would meet with JK Rowling after the author said at the weekend that Labour had “abandoned” her and others campaigning for women’s rights.

Asked at an event hosted by The Sun why people like the Harry Potter author think he has abandoned women and what has gone wrong, Sir Keir said: “I respect what she says and I welcome the debate.”

Asked if he would have a meeting with Rowling and try to bring her back, Sir Keir said: “Of course I’d meet with her, of course I would and, you know, my approach in life, I came into politics really late, I’m not as tribal as everybody else.

“I’ve run a public service, my view is if there’s an issue or a challenge, roll up sleeves, get people around the table and talk through the issues and find a way forward, so I’ll always talk to anyone about this.

“The only rule I suppose I’d set is we’ve got to treat each other with common respect, and JK Rowling, I respect her and I don’t suggest for a minute that she doesn’t, you know, she’s made some really important points.

“I’d welcome that discussion because I do think that we’ve made huge progress on women’s rights under Labour governments and equality, massive progress. There’s more work to be done if we are privileged to come in to serve this country.”

Crown star wades into general election to back Labour

Monday 24 June 2024 20:36 , Robert Dex

The Crown star Imelda Staunton has backed Labour urging voters to end 14 years of “Tory chaos and failure”.

The actress, who played Queen Elizabeth II in the hit royal family drama, featured in a Labour email asking voters to donate to their campaign.

She said: “We’re facing an important choice on Thursday 4 July: will we electa Labour government that changes our country, or suffer five more years of Tory chaos and failure?”

PM urges voters not to 'sleepwalk' into a Labour government

Monday 24 June 2024 20:37 , Robert Dex

Rishi Sunak said he understands voters’ hesitation to support the Tories, but urged them not to “sleepwalk” into a Labour government.

Speaking at a campaign event in Chelsea, the Prime Minister said: “We can’t let Britain sleepwalk into this. It is our job, it is our duty over the next 10 days to wake people up to this danger.

“So I say to all of you, I say to every Conservative, don’t surrender to Labour, fight for every vote, fight for our values, fight for our vision of Britain.”

Live coverage ends

Monday 24 June 2024 20:45 , Miriam Burrell

That’s all for our live coverage today.

Here is our wrap of the live Q&A with Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak this evening.

Please check back in with us tomorrow.

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