Fighters from the 12th Special Purpose Brigade Azov have regained control of part of the village of New York in the Donetsk region. The warriors also broke the siege and freed Ukrainian soldiers from encirclement, citing Azov.

The 12th Special Purpose Brigade Azov has been engaged in combat operations in the Toretsk direction to improve the tactical situation. The soldiers are participating in both offensive and defensive actions in the village of New York and its surroundings.

"At the time the brigade was deployed to the combat zone, the situation on the front line was catastrophic," the report says.

As a result of the battles, the Azov fighters managed to stabilize the situation, regain control of part of New York, and break through to the Defense Forces, who were surrounded by the enemy.

The defenders said that the situation remains tense. The Russians are conducting up to 15 assaults daily in the brigade's area of responsibility. However, the fighters are holding the line and successfully counterattacking.

"The enemy has repeatedly claimed that they have completely occupied New York. However, this is just another manipulation by the occupiers. The Defense Forces control part of the settlement and are doing everything possible to liberate Ukrainian territories," the soldiers added.

Fighting for New York

The village of New York is located in the central part of the Donetsk region on the Toretsk front. Over the past day, there have been 16 battles in this sector of the front.

The situation in New York deteriorated during the summer when the occupiers intensified their operations in this direction. The occupiers entered the village and seized a significant part of it. In their usual manner, the Russians are destroying the settlement, bombarding it heavily.

For more details on why New York is important to the Russians, read the full RBC-Ukraine report.

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