Russia is leading a counterattack to reclaim Russian territories under Ukrainian control in Kursk Oblast. However, it seems that the Russian army's advance has now come to a standstill.

Surprising everyone, Ukraine entered Russian territory on August 6, 2024. In a few days, it took control of 1,000 km² in the Kursk region. Eventually, the Russian army finally launched a counterattack in early September. Since September 12, it has claimed to have recaptured around ten villages. However, the Ukrainians assure that these locality recoveries have finally allowed their army to encircle the Russians. Therefore, Putin's troops' counterattack are currently blocked. At least, according to the spokesperson for the Ukrainian regional command.

Civilians in the middle of the fighting

The main difficulty lies in the presence of many civilians. Ukraine says it treats them with decency, without being mistreated. It also ensures that they are fed and cared for if necessary. However, between two fires, this population must protect itself from bombings, including those of the Russian army. The Ukrainian authorities have accused Russian gliding bombs of having killed 23 civilians against the zone controlled by Zelensky's troops.

(MH with Olivier Duquesne – Source: Le Soir with AFP – Picture: © picture alliance / Photoshot)

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