The full scale of Exeter's ever changing and expanding city can be seen in amazing drone footage taken from the skies above Alphington. The bird's eye view of Marsh Barton shows the green fields and urban sprawl surrounding the huge industrial park.

A number of well-known landmarks and new developments can also be spotted. The spellbinding images have been captured by Aerial Dimensions.

The video begins high above historic Alphington - you can just about make out the roof of Lidl and allotments - before panning across the green flood relief scheme. From there it's the moving traffic, roundabouts and industrial roofs of Marsh Barton.

In the background you can see the city centre and green fields around Exwick. The waste incinerator was opened in 2014 and stands close to the Marsh Barton Railway Station which opened almost a year ago.

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You might also be able to make out Exeter City Council's Water Lane Solar Park. The solar farm, tucked away near the city's canal and and built on a former landfill site, comprises 3,700 solar panels with the ability to generate and store one megawatt of energy in on-site battery storage.

Nearby, work is underway on former playing fields. The plan is to create three football pitches and a baseball pitch at Bromham’s Farm Field site. The top surface of the fields have been peeled away giving the area a brownish-buff appearance.

The land is owned by Exeter City Council and the project is being funded by the Environment Agency. However, it will be a while before the pitches see any action because the works aren't expected to be completed until 2026.

The industrial landscape then gives way to green and pleasant fields besides the canal and River Exe, stretching beyond the Double Locks pub, the estuary and Woodbury in the far distance.

Marsh Barton Trading estate covers over 1.2 square miles. The area was once a medieval village and home to a priory but developed into the city's largest trading estate. It is home to over 500 businesses.

The footage comes full circle showing the new urban expansion to the south of Exeter taking shape. Thousands of new homes are being built on fields on the outskirts of Alphington and out towards Exminster. A new school is also taking shape, though it has been plagued with construction issues.

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