A visitor's stunning picture of a North Wales seaside village sparked an online debate about when and from where he took it. Gary Dixon took the bus on Friday from his home town of Flint to the Conwy village of Rhos-on-Sea.

He walked to the end of the jetty in the small harbour. Mr Dixon sat at the end for a while and then as the tide started to come in he took a picture looking back towards the village.

He later posted this to the Love North Wales Facebook site. While it received well over 250 likes a lot of people wanted to know how he'd got it.

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The jetty has been closed off for some time so locals were left wondering how he got there or if the picture was taken a long time ago.

One person said: "I am confused...where is this in Rhos on Sea and can you actually walk on it?" Another said: "I think this is an old photograph." A third added: "Whoever took this went it at their own risk unless it's been fixed."

But he explained that the fencing around the jetty had now been removed - even providing a picture as proof - and also that the picture had definitely been taken on Friday.

He told North Wales Live: "I thought it would catch people out. I've never been to the end of the jetty as it was fenced off for a while but the fencing had been removed.

"I took the pic yesterday on my Samsung phone on wide angle. I was sat on the end of the jetty for ages watching the tide coming in then I had to move.

"I go to Rhos quite often using my old person's bus pass as everyone says it's nice to sit on the front eating chips watching the world go by. The beach there is also now much better than Llandudno."

The seafront has had a major overhaul with the promenade transformed and thousands of tonnes of sand added on the beach.

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